Unresolved compilation problem: at communitycommons.StringUtils.randomStrongPassword

I have the following issue after trying to run locally my project: It seems to be related to this java action of mine which somehow calls this and ends with an error: I’ve read something about the community commons module but I am very very confused about this. What should I do? Update this module? How?    However, I don’t understand what I have to do. It worked perfectly till now, and now suddenly it breaks with this error .
3 answers

In addition to the other answers, did you try deleting the folder locally and downloading it again from the Team Server? Sometimes that solves these types of issues.



You can do the following:

  1. Download the community commons module from app store again, and when prompted, select replace existing module.

  2. Clean your deployment directory and run the app again.


Hope this helps.



Have you recently upgraded or added a module that used Community commons?

There could be a conflict with the call. Like Shreyash mentioned, you could upgraded community commons. First investigate which version of community commons you need. 

Furthermore you should remove the old libraries from the userlib  directory. Mendix userlib tool can help you with that





