ExcelImporter - add default attribute

Hello, I have created an association between my exercise object and a templateDocument. When I want to create an exercise for a user, I would like to import the instances linked to my template document and that these instances are linked to the exercise (so that these instances have an association with this particular exercise). I can't do this with the basic ExcelImporter tools. So I tried to modify the java code. The creation of my objects is done in these lines, but I don't really understand how they work and how I could add an attribute (excelimporter is only used for that, so I can modify the code to be only used for that) IMendixObject member = Core.retrieveId(this.settings.getContext(), (IMendixIdentifier)column.getValue(this.settings.getContext(), Column.MemberNames.Column_MxObjectMember.toString())); this.settings.addColumnMapping(fieldIdentifier, (String)member.getValue(this.settings.getContext(), MxObjectMember.MemberNames.AttributeName.toString()), isKey, isCaseSensitive, parser); Thanks
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