How to retrieve Microflow information in Java Action

Hello everyone,   I’m looking for a method that can retrieve microflow information. Input: microflow name(Ex: ModTest.CMN_Save) Output: The following information:     1. All parameters of the microflow(parameter name, data type)     2. The return data type of the microflow     3. Allowed roles of the microflow   I had tried searching information on the Mendix document API and the forum but still do not get any information. Does anyone have experience about this issue? Thank you.
2 answers

Have you looked at using the Mendix Model Reflection module from the Marketplace?

Once run, you can retrieve information about microflows and their parameters directly from the domain model. I don’t believe it will give you security information though.

Hope this helps.


These components work together to build the foundation for each website As for building your website, backend developers will establish three things. Your logic code, which is a set of rules for how your website will respond to certain requests and how objects of your website will interact. Your database management, which is how your website will organize, manage, and retrieve its data. Your infrastructure, which is how your site will be hosted. Hosting your own site will give you greater control, but it’s much more expensive and requires you to maintain your own server health and security.
