Java Action Get integer from Datetime

Hello, I am using the java action “Get integer from Datetime” to extract the month from a date that is input earlier in the app. When I use the same setup but use [CurrentDateTime] instead everything works the way I want it to. When I put in my own attribute it doesn’t work. Hello, I am using the java action “Get integer from Datetime” to extract the month from a date that is input earlier in the app. When I use the same setup but use [CurrentDateTime] instead everything works the way I want it to. When I put in my own attribute it doesn’t work.
3 answers

Hi Ashley,

Use Create Variable and pass below function you will get output in integer for month.



I’d suggest checking the DateTime attribute is not empty before calling the Java Action.

If you are just after the month as an Integer, you can do this without using a Java Action. You can use the built in formatDateTime function to extract the month as a String, then use parseInteger to convert that String into an Integer. Something like this should work…



Hope this helps.


Hi Ashley,


Just check whether your input attribute date time is properly giving date just like CurrentDateTime.
