Java Action not implemented

Hi Guys getting a error when clicking a button, is their something wrong with my java or maybe it needs updating?  The Error is –    08:02:20APPERRORConnector: An error has occurred while handling the request. [User 'User' with session id '536da458-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX499c' and roles 'Administrator'] 08:02:20APPERRORConnector: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: Java action was not implemented  
2 answers

Hi Charlie,


Whenever you create a new Java action, you need to fill the code in the .java file itself. It will automatically generate the base code with the given error you see in the error logging.


You can find the Java acions in the Javasource folder in the project directory


Hey guys ive fixed the Issue ive started new Branch Line and deleted my Java source, something in that folder was corrupt. 
