Enable login using custom OTP

Hi All,   I have the below use case that I am trying to achieve but running into issues.    Use case: Validate users using OTP and sign them in. Mendix username and password not used to validate the users. Anonymous users will need to be directed to OTP page. In the OTP page user should have an option to generate OTP . Post that user should be able to enter the OTP received via email/phone and sign in to the application.   Queries: I ran through the SAML module on how user is signed into the application post successful authentication in IDP. With SAML module, IUser is retrieved using Core.getUser and session is initialized for the user using Core.initializeSession. Post that cookie and header is added to the response object.   In my case since I use a custom java action to sign in the user, I am not having access to response object. I believe only request handlers will have access to response object.   Is there any way to sign in the user programatically using a custom java action with only the user name ?
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