I have a column chart and I want to get the y value displayed inside of each of the bars. I am using the code { "texttemplate": "%{y}", "textposition": "inside" } to do this however, it only works if I use the developer mode of the chart, go to the series, and put the code in the custom settings. when I go to the series in the developer app, I go to the advanced tab and put it in the custom series options, but it doesn’t show up on the graph when I view the app. any idea what I’m doing wrong? I’ll put this in the series like so: But this is the only thing that shows up in the developer tool.
Nicholas Williams
3 answers
Just turn off developer mode.
I was working with this and it worked
Charmy Vora
Hi Nicholas,
I have tried this code. Its working fine.
Akshitha Vangala
I have the same problem. Did you manage to solve it somehow?