I’m trying to debug an application java source using Eclipse and I’m getting this error: ERROR: Cannot load this JVM TI agent twice, check your java command line for duplicate jdwp options. Error occurred during initialization of VM agent library failed to init: jdwp I have the run configurations working correctly and am able to run the app. But when I try to set a breakpoint and debug as the configuration it gives the error above. Command Line: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2\bin\javaw.exe -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -DMX_LOG_LEVEL=INFO "-Djava.library.path=C:/Program Files/Mendix/;C:/Users/mmccane/Documents/Mendix/Manager/deployment/model/lib/userlib" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 "-Djava.io.tmpdir=C:/Users/mmccane/Documents/Mendix/Manager/deployment/data/tmp" -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5006,server=y,suspend=n -classpath "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\runtime\launcher\runtimelauncher.jar" com.mendix.container.boot.Main "C:/Users/mmccane/Documents/Mendix/Manager/deployment" Thanks for the help, new to Eclipse. Mendix 9.11 Eclipse Version: 2022-09 (4.25.0) Build id: 20220908-1902
Mike McCane
2 answers
Hello community. We ended up figuring it out. It looks like Mendix adds this “-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5006,server=y,suspend=n” to the .launch file when deploying to eclipse. We figured it out by comparing another apps file that was working correctly. This statement is added after every deployment for eclipse so we have to edit the file every time. Hope this may help others that encounter this problem.
Mike McCane
Normally if you deploy to Eclipse Mendix takes care of this, so I hope you didn’t made the command line by hand.
After deploy to eclipse you go to Debug Configurations, select your project and press debug.