JAVA ACTION works locally but not on premise

Hi everyone,   I created a java action that transform my xml to pdf with some libraries.  After I tested it offline, and all worked good, when I deploy the .mda and try to generate my pdf, the returning object is null.    Can someone help me out?   Luca   EDIT: here the code        
3 answers

Hi Luca, would you be able to see any additional error messages from logs ? It could be conflicting from different JAR files dependencies (having the same methods name. 

As a suggestion, you can download the source code again in a new folder and running locally to confirm if you face the same error locally as it happens on the server.


I suspect this is down to how security has been implemented on your on-premise server. It looks like you don’t have permission to write files to the default location. To fix this, try using getTempPath from the Core API to get a folder you can read and write to. Alternatively, check your server settings to see if there is a way to enable file access to the default location.

I hope this helps. Good luck!



Make sure to synchronize the project directory.


