Java Action call external java component

I'm looking to call an external java component using Java Action call in Mendix.  So far I have created input parameters , created microflow with java action call. Jar files for the external java component uploaded to userlib But when I trigger the action call, I'm getting error: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: Java action was not implemented    at MyFirstModule.RunBatchVanMi (JavaAction : 'Java_action_call_Van')   I'm wondering if I need to add any custom java logic to java action call to execute the external java component? when opening the java action call in Eclipse I get following code (shown below)   // This file was generated by Mendix Studio Pro. // // WARNING: Only the following code will be retained when actions are regenerated: // - the import list// - the code between BEGIN USER CODE and END USER CODE // - the code between BEGIN EXTRA CODE and END EXTRA CODE // Other code you write will be lost the next time you deploy the project. // Special characters, e.g., é, ö, à, etc. are supported in comments.   package myfirstmodule.actions; import com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.IContext; import com.mendix.webui.CustomJavaAction; import com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.IMendixObject;   public class Java_action_call_Van extends CustomJavaAction<java.lang.String> {     private java.math.BigDecimal PartMaxHeight;     private java.math.BigDecimal PartMaxLength;     private java.math.BigDecimal PartMaxWidth;    private java.math.BigDecimal PartMaxSectionalThickness;     private java.math.BigDecimal Volume;     public Java_action_call_Vanguard(IContext context, java.math.BigDecimal PartMaxHeight, java.math.BigDecimal PartMaxLength, java.math.BigDecimal PartMaxWidth, java.math.BigDecimal PartMaxSectionalThickness, java.math.BigDecimal Volume)     {        super(context);        this.PartMaxHeight = PartMaxHeight;        this.PartMaxLength = PartMaxLength;        this.PartMaxWidth = PartMaxWidth;        this.PartMaxSectionalThickness = PartMaxSectionalThickness;        this.Volume = Volume;     }     @java.lang.Override     public java.lang.String executeAction() throws Exception     {           // BEGIN USER CODE         throw new com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException("Java action was not implemented");         // END USER CODE     }     /**     * Returns a string representation of this action     * @return a string representation of this action     */    @java.lang.Override    public java.lang.String toString()     {         return "Java_action_call_Van";     }     // BEGIN EXTRA CODE     // END EXTRA CODE }
1 answers

You need to add the calls to your external Java component between the // BEGIN USER CODE and // END USER CODE comments.


If you need to add more complex behaviour, extra functions, or even classes, do this between the // BEGIN EXTRA CODE and // END EXTRA CODE comments. 


There are more details in the Mendix documentation.


I hope this has helped. Good luck!
