NoSuchMethodError while using GenerateExcelDoc Java action

Hello Everyone , I'm getting an error while using GenerateExcelDoc Java action . The error is NoSuchMethodError . and In the client error it is giving the error like below  , An error occurred while executing an action of actionButton8: Expected response body to be JSON. Instead received: "" Error: An error occurred while executing an action of actionButton8: Expected response body to be JSON. Instead received: "" .   Please help me to solve this issue .   Thanks in Advance !
2 answers

Could be that you have duplicate jar files with different versions in your userlib directory, check for this and remove the older version.


My first guess is also always duplicate/missing jars.

  1. Newer jar is loaded which doesn't contain the requested (deprecated?) function
  2. Older jar is loaded which doesn't contain the newer (not yet present in old jar) function
  3. Missing jar (jar is not present, hence the requested function does not exist)

The nosuchmethod error usually is triggered when you call for a function that isn't defined (so the options above). It could also be 'undefined' for the given parameter... so it expects a bytearrayoutputstream, but gets a null/empty object. So can you confirm that the function actually gets any input before triggering the error?
