Java Compilation error unable to run application

Hi Everyone , im facing an java compilation error when i try to run the application in my new laptop.   Error :  ---------- The message received from the daemon indicates that the daemon has disappeared.Build request sent: Build{id=9b6fc348-021a-4af4-bd46-d45c2e31a9d9, currentDir=C:\Users\JayaPrakash\Documents\Mendix\Product Management Platform-NAGdev_Panorama\deployment}Attempting to read last messages from the daemon log...Daemon pid: 12236  log file: C:\Users\JayaPrakash\.gradle\daemon\7.6\daemon-12236.out.log----- Last  20 lines from daemon log file - daemon-12236.out.log -----Tasks to be executed: [task ':clean-custom-classes', task ':compile', task ':package']Tasks that were excluded: []Resolve mutations for :clean-custom-classes (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started.:clean-custom-classes (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started.destroyer locations for task group 0 (Thread[Execution worker Thread 5,5,main]) started.destroyer locations for task group 1 (Thread[included builds,5,main]) started.Caching disabled for task ':clean-custom-classes' because:  Build cache is disabledTask ':clean-custom-classes' is not up-to-date because:  Task has not declared any outputs despite executing actions.Resolve mutations for :compile (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started.:compile (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started.Caching disabled for task ':compile' because:  Build cache is disabledTask ':compile' is not up-to-date because:  No history is available.The input changes require a full rebuild for incremental task ':compile'.Full recompilation is required because no incremental change information is available. This is usually caused by clean builds or changing compiler arguments.Compiling with toolchain 'C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\jdk-'.Compiling with JDK Java compiler API.----- End of the daemon log ----- JVM crash log found: file:///C:/Users/JayaPrakash/Documents/Mendix/Product%20Management%20Platform-NAGdev_Panorama/deployment/hs_err_pid12236.log FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong:Could not dispatch a message to the daemon. * Try:> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.> Run with --debug option to get more log output.> Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at
1 answers

Hi Jaya!


Could you check if your jdk path is set correctly

Go to edit-->preferences and check the jdk path configuration.

If not, download the compatible jdk version and add the path here.

Hope this helps!


