Error in Mx runtime when executing Java Action

I'm getting error in Mx runtime when executing a java action (Although the eclipse executes the action successfully). The error in Mendix as follows Error in execution of monitored action 'RegularClientAction' (execution id: 1719393821191-63, execution type: CLIENT) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void<init>(java.lang.String)'   When the project is deployed and run in Eclipse, the action executes successfully (Eclipse Console) but in Mx console pops this above error. What maybe the reason for this and how to debug this error?
2 answers

Could be something with your java version. What if you clean the deployment folder in the modeler and build it in the modeler?

Compare the modeler preferences with the eclips project propeties


lib version in classpath eclipse may different from lib version on run time, it difficult to dianogsis if dont have a project to test
