Mendix mapping breaks after a compile attempt

So I am trying to use Apache POI to export a report to Excel.  I am using this library instead of the Excel Exporter since I need to also export images into the Excel file as well as custom formatting.  While I am able to create the custom java action to create the Excel file I keep running into an issue where it will fail when I launch the project to test changes and then all the mapping at the top of the custom java file has errors.  The only way I have found to fix this is to copy my code out to notepad, delete my custom java files and then Re-Deploy to Eclipse in Mendix Studio Pro.  It will then work for a few changes and then the mapping breaks again.   As I am currently working on exporting my images out to Excel I can no longer use this work around as I now get a compile error every time that shows the error on the Mendix created lists.       Has this happened to anyone else and is there a fix?
1 answers

Hi Steven,

I also faced this issue, but recreating the Java action worked for me.
