Issue with SSO Setup: Unable to generate KeyStore Error

Dear Community,   While setting up SSO for my Mendix app, I encountered an error at the point of saving the configuration in the Setup Dialog. Everything seemed to be in place - I carefully filled out all the required fields, ensuring the details were accurate. I also reviewed the KeyStore and encryption settings to confirm that nothing was missing or out of order.   Despite these efforts, I still received the following errors: "Unable to generate KeyStore" "Error while encrypting string: Key should not be empty"     I’m not sure what’s causing this issue, as everything appears to be configured correctly.
4 answers

Hi Fouad,


A s far as I see, "Error while encrypting string: Key should not be empty"  means that EncriptionKey is missing. 



Do note that you can not test the SAML setup locally unless you use tooling like Ngrok so your localhost is exposed to the web. And you need to setup a new Azure app with this Ngrok URL. Normally you only do setups in an acceptance environment or production environment also with two different app setups in Azure.

Also note that the keystore is a filedocument, same as the IdPMetadata and thus are not part of the database. That would also be a reason to only do setups in the cloud.





I got it working now. The EncryptionKey and the LegacyEncryptionKey both have a value now. I deployed the commit to the acceptation environment and it worked!


The only thing now I need to do is make sure that whenever we go to /login.html it automatically goes to /SSO.. 


Still trying to find and see what to do to make that work.


Got it al working now. I changed the login.html in my directory and made a copy of the original login.html and changed the actual login.html to this:



<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <meta charset="utf-8" />        <title>Login</title>        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/SSO/">        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />        <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />    </head>    <body>     </body></html>


