How to convert / merge various files types into a single PDF

Hello Forum,   We're trying to convert the following file types into a single PDF file: .png, .jpeg, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf, etc.   Has anyone in the community been able to do so? Open to any ideas or suggestions.   We attempted to utilize a modificed version of Document4j to convert / merge these file types via a java action, but have run into issues with Mx Cloud Security that we cannot get around.   Thank you in advance, Rick
2 answers

You can use the community commons to merge several PDF files (MergeMultiplePdfs), so the first step would be to create PDFs of all the files and then merge it via the community commons Java action.


Furthermore you can change the local Java policy file (you can find it in the installation folder of your modeler - not your project folder) to set the permissions. To set these permissions in the Mendix Cloud you need to file a ticket.


I would like to suggest you PDF Merge Software that does the needful for you with some simple steps. Here is the link which you can visit for complete details –
