Unable to start Mendix project from Eclipse

Hi all, I've been following the steps listed here: https://world.mendix.com/display/refguide6/Using+Eclipse But am experiencing a similar problem to https://community.mendix.com/link/questions/18052 When I attempt to run/debug I get notified that the main class cannot be located, as far as I've been able to read so far the solution has always been to ensure the JDK being used is the same. The exact same JDK directory and version is being used by the Mendix modeler and Eclipse when running the app. Any ideas as to what else could cause "Error: Could not find or load main class com.mendix.m2ee.server.M2EEServer"? Thanks in advance, Anees S
2 answers

This might help:

  • Right-click your project in Eclipse
  • Hover over Debug and choose Debug configurations
  • On the left, in Java Application, select your project. The main class should already be filled in: org.apache.felix.main.Main
  • Click Debug on the lower right corner.
  • Next time, you should be able to run or debug without going through these steps.


Removing your project, without delete on disk, from Eclipse and a deploy to Eclipse from the modeler may sometimes be necessary too.


Hello Anees,

Please run your project in first step and then deploy to eclipse, after then you can run with Eclipse.


Peeradech W (TBN Software Thailand).
