Mendix 7 Java errors on upgrade

I had a fairly lightweight application in v6 recently I upgraded it to v7 and got following errors in java related to community commons and excel imported. I have tired different java versions in 1.8 thinking that was the problem but still this remains an issue. I can't start the application blocking development.  Any help would be great, below is the rrors I am getting.  Buildfile: C:\Users\tester\Documents\Mendix\Test123-main\deployment\build_core.xml   compile:     [javac] Compiling 351 source files to C:\Users\tester\Documents\Mendix\Test123-main\deployment\run\bin     [javac] C:\Users\tester\Documents\Mendix\Test123-main\javasource\communitycommons\ error: unreported exception COSVisitorException; must be caught or declared to be thrown     [javac]                              overlay.overlay(new HashMap<Integer, String>()).save(baos);     [javac]                                                                                  ^     [javac] C:\Users\tester\Documents\Mendix\Test123-main\javasource\excelimporter\reader\readers\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]                                                              this.settings.addDefaultInputMask(fieldIdentifier, (String) column.getValue(context, Column.MemberNames.InputMask.toString()));     [javac]                                                                           ^     [javac]   symbol:   method addDefaultInputMask(String,String)     [javac]   location: variable settings of type ExcelReplicationSettings     [javac] C:\Users\tester\Documents\Mendix\Test123-main\javasource\excelimporter\reader\readers\replication\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]                                                              else if ( this.settings.hasDefaultInputMask(column) != null ) {     [javac]                                                                                     ^     [javac]   symbol:   method hasDefaultInputMask(String)     [javac]   location: variable settings of type ReplicationSettings     [javac] C:\Users\tester\Documents\Mendix\Test123-main\javasource\excelimporter\reader\readers\replication\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]                                                                              this.settings.addDisplayMask(column, this.settings.getDefaultInputMask(column));     [javac]                                                                                                                                ^     [javac]   symbol:   method getDefaultInputMask(String)     [javac]   location: variable settings of type ReplicationSettings     [javac] C:\Users\tester\Documents\Mendix\Test123-main\javasource\excelimporter\reader\readers\replication\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]                                                              else if ( !this.settings.hasValueParser(column) )     [javac]                                                                                      ^     [javac]   symbol:   method hasValueParser(String)     [javac]   location: variable settings of type ReplicationSettings     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.     [javac] 5 errors  
3 answers

Hi Savan

Read the Release notes for the new version of Community Commons - there are 3 old files that need deleting from your userlib directory.  That should sort out the COSVisitor exception.

There is a new version of the Excel Importer module that is compatible with v7 and should correct the remaining errors.



Hi Savan, you could first try to open the project in Eclipse. Then Clean the project and rebuild it. Using Project > Clean and Project > Build Project. Eclipse should also give some more hints if things are wrong in Java.

If this doesn't work, you might want to remove everything in your userlib folder and import all your App Store modules again. Since you are talking about a very small application, this doesn't sound like a lot of work.


Thanks guys went through both the steps one after the other and this is now fixed. :-)
