How to use JasperReports in Mendix

Hi there, I'm wondering how to use JasperReports in Mendix. I got several libraly files and made a project for sample. I sucessed own my Java Project at Eclipse. However, I'm struggling with compiling and output Pdf file at Mendix Project. What I tried is as below. Case1. The case I would like to do. Step1. I made a jrxml file by Jaspersoft® Studio. Step2. I built a certain project in Mendix.( RunLocally) Step3. I can't compile jrxml file and get an error. ( JavaAction code is like as below.) InputStream inputStream = Core.getFileDocumentContent(context, this.__JasperReportjrxml); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); JasperCompileManager.compileReportToStream(inputStream, baos);   Refer) I was able to output by using JRPdfExporter class.(Since this is peculiar to JasperReports, I do not think it relates to Mendix.) Case2. There is no problem at Eclipse Step1. I made a jrxml file by Jaspersoft® Studio.( same as above.) Step2. I built a Java project at Eclipse. Step3. I was able to compile jrxml file and also output pdf file. I assume if I could get a path of FileDocument object, I can compile this. However, While I think FileDocument content could be stored as Core.class.    Does anyone know how to use this? Thanks in advance!    
1 answers

Still don't know what error you get.

To write to a FileDocument in Mendix use 'Core.storeFileDocumentContent'
