Java Action did not working correctly

java.util.List<IMendixObject> newTugasList = new java.util.ArrayList<IMendixObject>();         for(epau.proxies.Tugas Tugas : TugasList) {             java.util.List<epau.proxies.Account_TugasType> account_Tugas_Type = Tugas.getTugas_Account_TugasType();             for(epau.proxies.Account_TugasType aTT : account_Tugas_Type) {                 system.proxies.User user = aTT.getAccount_TugasType_User();                 if(user.equals(this.UserParameter1)) {                     epau.proxies.Tugas TugasEach = new epau.proxies.Tugas(com.mendix.core.Core.createSystemContext());                     TugasEach = Tugas;                     TugasEach.setTugas_TaskType(com.mendix.core.Core.createSystemContext(),aTT.getAccount_TugasType_TaskType());                     TugasEach.setTempTaskType(com.mendix.core.Core.createSystemContext(),aTT.getAccount_TugasType_TaskType().getName());                     newTugasList.add(TugasEach.getMendixObject());                     break;                 }             }         }         return newTugasList;   This is my java code. I set some value in java action and call it in microflow,  I debug it and realize that java code calls correctly. But It changes in java action but I can’t find any changes in modeler and web page. Call microflow for DataSource and it doesn’t work… I see the response data from inspect in the browser and I realize that It isn't changing… Please help me...
3 answers

In order to take your changes being done in Java action into the Modelar you need to first synchronize your java action with the Modelar by pressing F4 key into the Modelar and then run you code from Modelar .


You are doing changes in a system context, instead of the user context. Instead of creating a system context, use getContext().



You can not assign without damage.


TugasEach = Tugas;


if (user.equals(this.UserParameter1)


does n’t work either, you should at least use the id.

What to you want to achieve?

