The import com.mendix.util cannot be resolved

Hi all, I have an application build with 6.10.4 version and now I am able to upgrade it to 6.10.15 successfully (except data grid extension widget as it is not supported in 6.10.15). Now I am trying to upgrade my app to 7.19.0 version. In this process I have so many errors. One of them is the below one. The import com.mendix.util cannot be resolved.  In Email module, they are importing com.mendix.util.classloading.Runner; in java action. I have updated the module as well. How can I resolve this? Please help me. -Venkat   package emailtemplate.mail; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.mail.Transport; import com.mendix.core.CoreException; import com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.IContext; import com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.IMendixObject; import com.mendix.util.classloading.Runner; /**  *   * This class can be used to send email. All methods behave in a similar way, there are  * just multiple methods for your convenience.  *  */ public class EmailModule  {     /**      * Sends an email to <i>to</i> with subject <i>subject</i> and message <i>msg</i>.       * @param msg The message to send      * @param subject The subject of the email      * @param to The recipient      * @throws CoreException      */     public static void mail(SMTPConfiguration configuration, String msg, String subject, String to) throws CoreException      {         List<String> toAddresses = new ArrayList<String>();         toAddresses.add(to);                  mail(configuration, msg, null, subject, toAddresses, null, null, null, null, null);     }     /**      * Sends an email to <i>to</i> with subject <i>subject</i> and message as html, the shown message will be <i>htmlmsg</i>. If the receipts don't support html messages the <i>plainmsg</i> will be shown.      * @param configuration      * @param htmlmsg      * @param plainmsg      * @param subject      * @param to      * @throws CoreException      */     public static void mail(SMTPConfiguration configuration, String htmlmsg, String plainmsg, String subject, String to) throws CoreException      {         List<String> toAddresses = new ArrayList<String>();         toAddresses.add(to);                  mail(configuration, htmlmsg, plainmsg, subject, toAddresses, null, null, null, null, null);     }          /**      * @param configuration an SMTPConfiguration which contains all information to send your email.      * @param msg the message body that will be send.      * @param subject the subject of the email.      * @param to the recipient of the email message.      * @param context this context will be used to check if the current user has the rights to access to the attachments.      * @param attachment the attachment to be sent along with the email.      */     public static void mail(SMTPConfiguration configuration, String msg, String subject, String to, IContext context, IMendixObject attachment) throws CoreException      {         List<IMendixObject> attachments = new ArrayList<IMendixObject>();         attachments.add(attachment);                  List<String> toAddresses = new ArrayList<String>();         toAddresses.add(to);                  mail(configuration, msg, subject, toAddresses, null, null, context, attachments);     }          /**      * @param configuration an SMTPConfiguration which contains all information to send your email.      * @param htmlmsg the message body as html text this is what most of the recipients will see.       * @param plainmsg the message in plain text (this will be shown if the recipient doesn't accept html messages).      * @param subject the subject of the email.      * @param to the recipient of the email message.      * @param context this context will be used to check if the current user has the rights to access to the attachments.       * @param attachment the attachment to be sent along with the email.      */     public static void mail(SMTPConfiguration configuration, String htmlmsg, String plainmsg, String subject, String to, IContext context, IMendixObject attachment) throws CoreException      {         List<IMendixObject> attachments = new ArrayList<IMendixObject>();         attachments.add(attachment);                  List<String> toAddresses = new ArrayList<String>();         toAddresses.add(to);                  mail(configuration, htmlmsg, plainmsg, subject, toAddresses, null, null, context, attachments, null);     }     /**      * Sends an email to <i>to, cc and bcc</i> with subject <i>subject</i> and message <i>msg</i> width attachments <i>attachments</i> using settings in <i>configuration</i>.      * @param configuration an SMTPConfiguration to send your email with.      * @param msg the message to send.      * @param subject the subject of the email.      * @param to the recipients of the email message.      * @param cc the CC recipients.      * @param bcc the BCC recipients.      * @param context this context will be used to check if the current user has the rights to access to the attachments.       * @param attachment the attachment you want to send along with the email.      */     public static void mail(SMTPConfiguration configuration, String msg, String subject, List<String> to, List<String> cc, List<String> bcc, IContext context, List<IMendixObject> attachments) throws CoreException      {         mail(configuration, null, msg, subject, to, cc, bcc, context, attachments, null);     }          /**      * @param configuration, An SMTPConfiguration which contains all information to send your email      * @param htmlmsg  the message body as html text this is what most of the recipients will see.       * @param plainmsg the message in plain text (this will be shown if the recipient doesn't accept html messages).      * @param subject the subject of the email.      * @param to the recipients of the email message.      * @param cc the CC recipients.      * @param bcc the BCC recipients.      * @param context this context will be used to check if the current user has the rights to access to the attachments.       * @param attachments the attachments to be sent along with the email.      */     public static void mail(final SMTPConfiguration configuration, String htmlmsg,              String plainmsg, final String subject, final List<String> to, final List<String> cc,              final List<String> bcc, IContext context, final List<IMendixObject> attachments,             final Map<String, String> headers) throws CoreException      {         final Message message = new Message();         message.setPlainBody(plainmsg);         message.setHtmlBody(htmlmsg);                  final Sender sender = new Sender(context);         new Runner<Object>()         {             @Override             protected Object execute() throws Exception             {                 sender.send(configuration, message, subject, to, cc, bcc, attachments, headers);                 return null;             }         }.runUsingClassLoaderOf(Transport.class);     } } class.
1 answers

You’ll need to replace the module with the latest version available for the used Mendix version. THis does no longer use the classloader runner.

Below an example of the current code for the mail method:

public static void mail(final SMTPConfiguration configuration, String htmlmsg, 
			String plainmsg, final String subject, final List<String> to, final List<String> cc, 
			final List<String> bcc, IContext context, final List<IMendixObject> attachments,
			final Map<String, String> headers) throws CoreException, EmailException 
		final Message message = new Message();
		if(plainmsg != null) {
		if(htmlmsg != null) {
		final Sender sender = new Sender(context);
		sender.send(configuration, message, subject, to, cc, bcc, attachments, headers);

So replace the module and you’re good to go.
