log out java microflow

Hi, Following that question : https://community.mendix.com/link/questions/6759 I did manage to log out the user inside a microflow, but I don’t know why it’s send the user in my home page no matter what i put after the java call. I just want to make a show page (to the page that i want). This is happening only when i use the java action to log out.   Someone have an idea?   Thanks  
3 answers

When you log a user out you’re effectively disconnecting/destroying their session.

A new anonymous session will get created afterwards for the user which redirects them to the anonymous user homepage.

With the original session being destroys, any show page actions get left behind.

Hope this helps.


You can try showing a page with a script after the log out java action. Show a pop up page with the html snippet and use javascript to reload the browser. This should redirect the user to the app as if they just navigated to it in the browser.


thanks I succeed to do what I want with the default home page in the navigation
