I just discovered the same issue!
Looking at an older project which is working fine (built in v7.23.6) I see a subtle difference.
Take a look at the Microflow ‘ChangeMyPassword’ found in the Administration module.
In my old (working) project I see that this Microflow has ApplyEntityAccess set to No…. in my 8.7 Project this is set to Yes.
Changing this value to Yes in 8.7 restores the Change Password functionality.
I’d be interested to know if you find the same… If so then I’ll log with support as I NOT 100% sure if this is the correct thing to do.
Which administrator are you loggedin with?
The default MxAdmin or A local created Administrator?
Do you have te correct access rights? Since that is the first thing your error says...
Hi Andes,
What are some things you changed in the Administration module?
Or are you using it without any changes at all?
No, I think I didn't make any change in this module;
In my personal module, I have two roles, admin and user.
1. I have a navigation for the admin to manage the user accounts; so admin role is navigated to the "Administration->User Management->Admin->Account_Overview" page.
2. I have a navigation for the user to change their own password. So user role is navigated to the "Administration->User Management->User->MyAccount" page.
then I login as admin, create a user 'test' with Role User; THen log in as 'test'. Then try to change the password himself, and see this error.