Error sending email to multiple people - Email Template Module

Hi All, I am using email template module to send emails in one of the email. I have an issue with sending email if I put more than one person in ‘TO’ section. I tried using both ‘,’ and ‘;’ to seperate my email ids but both lead to java error:   Illegal semicolon, not in group com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal semicolon, not in group in string ``;;;'' at position 21 at com.mendix.basis.actionmanagement.ActionManagerBase.executeSync( Caused by: org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Illegal semicolon, not in group in string ``;;;'' at position 21 at com.mendix.util.classloading.Runner.doRunUsingClassLoaderOf( Please notice the weired start and end of highlighted email string.   I am using Version 11 of email template   Please advice what could be causing this.   Regards, Kirti
3 answers

Are you sure it gives you the same error when using , instead of ; ? Because your error is telling you that the semicon is not accepted. Would be weird is you get the same error using , instead of ;. 

Please post the error when using a , as seperator. Also the error is pointing you the the exact character that is giving this error( position 21). Beacause you did change the data, can you please see what character it is? 



I just looked at this in one of my apps which uses a comma as a separator.



My answer is coming probably too late but for those who run against this issue in the future. It's not only your ‘TO’ that needs to have comma as a seperator but also the ‘BCC’ and the ‘CC’ parts. 

If you get this error, you have most likely used semicolon in one of these three fields as your seperator and that's causing the issue.  
