I want to know if I have Chage the scheduling time, must have restart server. I don't want to restart it. if other method to change schedule time I want to know. 스케줄러를 이용하여 batch 파일을 돌려 데이터베이스를 동기화하는데 스케줄러의 시간을 변경하면 무조건 서버의 재시작을 요하는지 알고싶고, 시간변경을 해도 서버를 재시작하지 않아도되는 방법이 있다면 그 방법도 알고싶습니다.
2 answers
Hi Lee ,
We need to restart the server once we change the scheduled event time. Because time has to be reflected in the server.
Stella D
Yes, you have to restart the server to change the scheduling time, if you use Mendix's normal Scheduling events. There are other, better ways though:
Have the scheduled event start a microflow that you have created, reads a configuration-object having a starttime and that microflow waits until the start-time has come