Make long term supported Mendix Studio Pro versions more visible in Appstore - Mendix Forum

Make long term supported Mendix Studio Pro versions more visible in Appstore


In the appstore it is not visible which versions of the Mendix Studio Pro modelers are designated as LTS. You have to open the release notes for it. 


It would be good if you could see immediatly in the page which are the preferred versions to use when starting a new production app or when upgrading an older version of your production App.

This would also make it easer to learn quickly which versions are in the LTS.

2 answers

Hi Jeroen,

It is possible to see which versions are LTS/MTS from the “LTS/MTS Releases” tab down below. However, for the latest released version which is displayed at the top, we have a ticket to display MTS information in the description if it is an MTS version. 



Also: some possibility to receive an update if the version is no longer the LTS version anymore.
