Adding Prerequisite Section In Appstore/Marketplace - Mendix Forum

Adding Prerequisite Section In Appstore/Marketplace


There are a lot of modules on app store which have dependency on other modules. For example, excel exporter’s or importer’s dependency on MxModel reflection module, IMAP/POP3 Incoming Email’s dependency on Encryption module.

The dependency is know when user downloads it in studio pro and then sees a lot of errors as it requires other modules to be downloaded as well. 

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to somehow show in the marketplace the dependencies or prerequisite modules which also needs to be downloaded so that the user is aware of it and is not overwhelmed by errors when he/she downloads any new module. Something like this?


This is especially helpful for those who are new to mendix and dont know a lot about it.

Note that sometimes it is mentioned in the mendix documentation of that module, but not always in the app store.

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