Follow function for marketplace components - Mendix Forum

Follow function for marketplace components


It would be very usefull for many applications, to have the possiblity to “follow/subscribe” a marketplace component. With the function, to get notified, when a new version is available. 

In our case it would be our company-wide StarterApp, where we want to guarrantee that the developers have the recent version of the marketplace modules.

2 answers

Hi Melvin, 


thank you for the information, I will check this out!


Hi Cüneyt,


You can add a Marketplace component to your “Saved content”. Whenever there is a new update available, you will receive a notification.

All your “Saved content” can be found here.


All you need to do is open the detail page of your company-wide StarterApp and click “Add to Saved” (see screenshot below). Please let me know if this helps.


