I want you to be able to use .xlsm files as template files for Excel Exporter - Mendix Forum

I want you to be able to use .xlsm files as template files for Excel Exporter


I want you to be able to use ".xlsm" files as template files for Excel Exporter.


I would like to use an Excel file with macros as a template for exporting.

Could you add ".xlsx" to the document types available as templates?


The current behavior is as follows.

1. Create a template by specifying “Excel 2007 or higher” as the document type.

2. Upload a .xlsm file as a template file.

3. When exporting, the file extension is downloaded as ".xlsx".


If I change the extension of the exported file to ".xlsm", I can open it as an Excel file with macros.

At least for "Excel 2007 or higher", I think it's possible if  I add a document type and add extension change processing when exporting.


I would like to use the Marketplace module as standard, so please consider adding features in future versions.

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