Additional Features for Private Marketplace Management - Mendix Forum

Additional Features for Private Marketplace Management



It would be great to have a dashboard view available of all the components, modules, and connectors that are available in a private marketplace.


Company administrators need a way to visualize the number of components in their private marketplace and ways to collect relevant information for the components in the private marketplace.


Easy ways to report on the creators of the components, component downloads, and component usage. A total number of components available in the marketplace, etc. These reporting features could be used to build KPI for reporting to stakeholders, executives, sponsors, etc.


Admins also need a way to restrict/approve new components that are added to a private marketplace. Allowing a way for new applications to go into a review state before being published to the private marketplace would also be helpful from a governance and administration perspective.




6 answers

Hi @Melvin,


Why do we need visuals? Because Mendix provides visual displays for other types of information like users, apps, certifications, etc. in the control center and it would be useful to see at a glance how many components are available in our private marketplace.


Basic information like how many components, type of components, components by tags, tags used, number of components with tags, etc. Any type of information would be helpful at this point because there is so little information available from the catalog page.


All of this information would be shared with our community of users, stakeholders, and sponsors. We rebuilding KPI off most of the data we have available to use. The more data we have, the more KPI we can build and the more information (better story/journey) we can share with our company.


A better story with richer information will attract more users and help us deliver more value.


Knowing the number of components downloaded would help us identify if components are useful and delivering value and knowing who downloads them would help us identify potential super users within the company. If we know who is downloading our components and how many people are using our marketplace we can start to identify gaps in our communication/community.



Administration…. right now anyone can upload a component to our marketplace. We’d like an approval process to ensure our users are following our internal procedures and following best practices. 


This type of governance will also allow us to see if people are attempting to upload a similar or same component that already exists in our marketplace.


Currently, we have a process/procedure that is outside of the Mendix platform and can only be followed if there person knows who to speak with.


Our Mendix administrators and technical leads would be part of the review process to accept or reject a component. 


Acceptance would be a basic check to ensure our internal process was followed, the component is not a repeat of an existing component, and it accomplishes the intended use of the component for the application.




Hi Kevin,


Thanks for sharing this idea. In order for me to better understand the need, I’ve got a couple of questions. 

It would be great to have a dashboard view available of all the components, modules, and connectors that are available in a private marketplace.

Company administrators need a way to visualize the number of components in their private marketplace and ways to collect relevant information for the components in the private marketplace.

  • Why do you need a way to visualize the number of components? What relevant information is needed?


Easy ways to report on the creators of the components, component downloads, and component usage. A total number of components available in the marketplace, etc. These reporting features could be used to build KPI for reporting to stakeholders, executives, sponsors, etc.

  • Why do you want to know the number of component downloads? And usage? What will you do with this information? What will stakeholders, executives, sponsors do with this information?


Admins also need a way to restrict/approve new components that are added to a private marketplace. Allowing a way for new applications to go into a review state before being published to the private marketplace would also be helpful from a governance and administration perspective.”

  • Why would this be helpful from a governance perspective? And from an administration perspective?
  • How do you currently deal with this problem?
  • What would be the criteria for approving/declining the component? Who decides this?



Hi Kseniia,


I have not heard from anyone regarding this request about the marketplace. I am happy to chat with you and the PM team to understand the request.


Thank you Andriy also for your commect regarding this feature importnance for your company! This is very valuable for us.


Hello Kevin, 


I am not sure if my collegue has already reached out to you but I think it is a very interesting list of features which you are suggesting. We have thought already about some of them, and will start developement, however I would like to understand a little bit better on the reporting feature and why. Would you have some time to have a call with PM team please ?

Thank you in advance and best wishes,



Agree with Kevin’s ask. Its requires to have more governance for private Marketplace management, incl. versioning maangement using git. 
