Market place module translations as marketplace content/modules - Mendix Forum

Market place module translations as marketplace content/modules


Right now when you download a marketplace module with translatable texts (from pages, enums, etc) when you need to translate it to a language not yet available in the module you will have to change that module by applying the translations. And will have to redo this with every update. 


Of course you could export the translations before the update and reapply them by importing the translations after the update. But that doesn't resolve the fact that some of the platform-supported modules have probably been translated numerous times to the same language.


Instead it would be nice if we could have a sort of translation module that translates marketplace modules, these translation modules could then also be distributed via the Marketplace so others may benefit instead of reapply the same translation over and over again.


Vertallingen als een soort van project specifiek pakket voor modules zodat deze met name voor app store modules wijder gedeeld kunnen worden en geen aanpassing aan de module veroorzaken

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