How to create custom canvas for pdf generated using Document_template.

Hi All, I am trying to create a PDF that we plan to send customers, we have a requirement to add custom border styles so that it look like a certificate.   Is there any way to create custom canvas for a pdf? Also, please suggest what would be the best approach in creating pdf using mendix? Can I Proceed with Generate document Action or do i need use java libraries? Regards, Hari
2 answers

Hi Hari,

There are many ways of doing this. The PDF document that can be generated with Mendix have limited styling options. 

Have a look at which can generate a PDF from a Mendix page. 

On the page you can use charts, image and CSS styling for tables with rounded and custom borders and make a PDF out of it (sever side)

Cheers, Andries 


You might want to create a seperate PDF document with only the borders and upload that to your environment. You can then merge this document with the one that is generated in Mendix. Look at the community commons for the Java actions to merge two PDF documents.



