SAML 2.0 throws Error:: saml20.implementation.SAMLFeedbackException: Unable to initialize the SSO configuration since the SP Metadata cannot be found at saml20.implementation.common.SAMLUtil.getMetadataConfig(

I try to create a Fresh Applicaton, database is Empty, added the SAML module with preconditions, set the After Startup Microflow to the one from the SAML Module.When the workflow is executed this error is thrown, seems like the Service Provider related data (this App) is not present. No home page, nothing appears The browser is redirected to some funny URL ending with: openid/login?ret=index.html I though the Config Page will appear where all this data can be set, now it seems like the workflow already expects some to be set  
4 answers

Hi Bela, 


Do you already have another AfterStartUp flow? Keep that one, and make the one of SAML part of that flow (as a subflow)

See if it works…





Hi Bela,

I ran into the same error: 

Unable to initialize the SSO configuration since the SP Metadata cannot be found

In my case, it was caused by accidentally having two objects in the SAML20.SPMetadata table. The Java action behind the ReloadConfiguration action in Mendix can not handle this because it expects exactly one SPMetadata object.




Hi Bela, 

i had the same problem that i couldn´t start the app locally anymore with the error message:

Unable to initialize the SSO configuration since the SP Metadata cannot be found

First i was thinking that it is depending on the synchronisation problems of OneDrive but this didn´t help.

After this i have opened the Configuration again. After clicking at “Make active” again:

It was astonishing that the list (where only one configuration is present) was getting longer (the grey background extended). 

And after this it worked :-)

My suggestion is that because of my changes in the application root URL (i wanted to run two apps parallel – therefore i had to change the port number) the system gots confused.

After confirming again the configuration it worked. I think there Mendix has a bug because it is astonishing that after clicking “Make active” the list gets longer despite i haven´t changed anything. 


Have a nice day. 




Hi Bela,

I encountered the same issue when I run an application from Mendix Studio Pro, not sure what’s wrong, have you solved this problem? 
