Date & time format in Google Timeline

Hi, I am using Bizzomate Google Timeline Chart. How can I change the date and time format of the horizontal axis? The way the axis is currently displayed is not really what I want: Thanks for any help! Annelie
5 answers

Hi Annelie,

I found how we achieved to change it.

Please find the comparison of changes from left side to right side.

Refer the red text, you can see, we have changed the format. To understand more options that is supported you must refer the google document I provided in the above comment. 

Hope this helps


Hi Annelie,

We use this component as well in our app and as far as I can see you cannot really adapt that. The chart will adapt it based on the data it gets for every row and also based on the width it gets on the screen. Looking at your axis I assume you feed it date time variables and that the start date and the end date of the data are pretty close together. 

In our case it looks like this because there is usually quite a big gap between start and end date: 



Thanks, Bart. Actually, start and end date differ by one week. If a reduce the window size I get a different format:

Although this is better, it is still not what I want and it is quite different from yours. And it is strange mixture of formats from different regions. Any idea how to control it? Using Google Chart options in the “Chart options” tab of the configuration dialog?


Hi Annelie,

We are using this widget. And recently I remember one of our developers changed the format.

Please read the above link which will help you in identifying how it must be changed.

With details from the above link, you can alter the java script file.

We have changed it something to look like below.


I hoped that something like that would work (in the Chart Options tab of the edit timeline dialog):

But obviously, this is not yet the solution since it doesn’t change anything.
