From the errors I gether that the modules uses some layouts that do no longer exist and these need to be replaced by existing layouts in you model.
You are missing the community commons module and need to import this from the appstore.
And there is an issue with a module role that is no longer available. Just recreate the role in the module to fix this error.
I think the module does however need an update to prevent these issues, maybe the module is not yet compatible with your Mendix version. After fixing the above mentioned issues you should be good to go.
I had similar problems. You can quite easily overcome the references to out-of-date modules by referring to the current versions (select from the dropdown list where the reference is made). The StringFromFile reference can be removed by deleting the whole “Table” arm of the microflow in ACT_ExecuteOQL. Of course, you wouldn’t do this in a real-life project but just to get this example working, it’s fine.
To resolve the layout issue, open the pages go to the Page Explorer, double-click on the page name (should be the first one) and reselect the layout.
The second error is about the missing module, go to Marketplace and download the CommunityCommons Module.
Those should resolve.