excel imoprter bug

I recently got a bug with excel importer and I am hoping someone can help me out. I installed the module and started using it and everything worked fine until recently. Now I when I click on the pages (ie. Templates_Overview, Edit_Template) it just takes me to a blank screen. I checked my security settings and my admin user has the Configurator module role. I’ve tried removing the module and then reinstalling it but the same error persists. 
2 answers

What you descrive still seems like a security issue and not a bug. Double check that the user role that views the page has rights on all the objects and references shown on the page.





I’m no expert, but do you also have the Mx Model Reflection module installed and configured with the appropriate securities? That might be a place to start looking for errors. 

If this doesn’t work, maybe some screenshots of your setup could help in explaining the issue.
