AutoCompleteForMendix Failed to fetch

Hi, I'm using the mendix autoComplete widget in mendix 8.14.1. If i use the no result microflow button to add an object if none are found. When i click this button in the page, the application resets to the home page, and in the console this error is shown:   This has worked in the passed. does anybody have the same problem, or know a fix to this issue?  
4 answers

I also ran into this issue while upgrading a mendix app.

Due to some changes in mendix codebase, clicking the ‘noresult microflow’ link causes the browser to load the apps homepage.

The version below contains a fix for this problem. I also submitted this solution to the author, such that the widget can be updated in the appstore.



Based on the latest reviews in the appstore there are more users reporting problems in combination with latest Mx version. Try to find some kind of client error in the browser with your developer tools to find a solution or post your issue on the GitHub repo.



Have you tried to upgrade to the latest version of the widget ? It may contain some bug fixes.


This still hasn’t been fixed. 


WARNING: *DO NOT USE* this widget if you have a newer version of mendix and need the ability to add an object if no results are found. If you are using this widget, DO NOT UPGRADE your project.
