I am use this AppStore Module to try Oauth2, https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/1414/ I followed the installation guide and configured my app, when I tried to login with google id, I got 500 error, call back URL failed to process google call back request. I configured the URL using https://oauth2demo103-sandbox.mxapps.io/callback/google. but I was confused, do I need create a microflow with deep link for this URL? or anything I missed. by the way, I can’t understand following statement “Don't forget to set your requesthandlers in the cloud ('signin/','callback/' and 'logout/')” how can I create requesthandlers in could? are they microflow with deep link? Is there any runnable demo APP?
Zhaojie Liu
1 answers
No deeplinks are needed the url is set for the requesthandler in you google configuration.