TS MultiFormatScanner (QR & Barcodes) problem with nanoflow

Hi all, Having problems with TS MultiFormatScanner add on. When It trys call nanoflow to run when barcode is scanned it pops up error: “An error occured while executing the nanoflo: Unable to get member from an empty variable $Scan_data.” Scan_data is entity with attributes: code(string), lat(decimal), long(decimal).ilTS MultiFormatScanner (QR & Barcodes). Picture below is screenshot of nanoflow.  The same thing is working when using microflow in TS MultiformatScanner and nanoflow is set without activities. Nanoflow is used because of calling JS for getting GPS coordinates.  
2 answers

Did you check you access rules of Scan_data and nanaflow allowed roles? (and double check if the object is perhapt really empty when passing it)


Hi Pim

I am using security off. And object is empty when passing. I am posting pictures of model and nanoflows.

Error is occuring when executing Show Message with parameter  $Scan_data/ScanValue calling nanoflow On Scan Event.

With microflow call parameter $Scan_data/ScanValue is displayed without errors.


Note* Entity Scan_data is non persistable 

