Getting Device Information

Is there a way to get the ip address, user information  on native mobile application? We would like to capture this information when users sign up for a new account.
2 answers

Hi Akshaya, maybe checkout the javascript action ‘GetDeviceInfo’ in the native mobile resources kit. This JA returns some generic device info which you can use in your project, but not the IP.

To get the IP you probably need to add an extra component i.e. @react-native-community/netinfo to your project. Then you need to create your own custom JA to get the IP. 

Whats the use case to capture this info?? You know there are data protection acts that prohibits capturing the IP combined with other info to build a profile. Just saying;-)


Thank you, appreciate it! I was able use react-native-network-info to get ip address. It’s returning private IP address, need to find the correct function to fetch public ip address.
