No connection to Marketplace

Hello, I have a critical issue when using the platform. No matter how I try, there seems to be no way for me to even create a project. As soon as there needs to be a connection, I get errors (Browser: "An error occurred, please contact your system administrator."; Mendix Studio Pro: No respone in program, log files show errors, see screenshot) In Mendix Studio Pro it also says there is no connection to the marketplace. The only thing I can do is start a blank app on the Windows Application as there seems to be no connection needed for the process. I have tried everything I can from my side and found no resolve of the problem.  I hope this can be fixed quickly Thanks in advance for an answer, Cheers, Linus
1 answers

I’d suggest to file a support ticket at mendix.

You can also have a try with the latest 8.18 release and see if this works for you.


