Is there a way to run the ExcelImporter if the app is offline?

Dear Mendix-Community,   I have a question regarding the excel-importer: As far as I understood if an app runs offline, microflows and JavaActions aren’t supported. The excel-importer app contains some JavaActions, so in my opinion it shouldn’t work if the app runs offline. I wanted to ask if there’s a way to workaround, so that the user is enabled to import data by an excel-sheet to a local database? Or is this impossible? Best Regards, Yannick Wyss
1 answers

Hi Yannick, 

as far as I know, this is not possible with vanilla Mendix components. 
Mendix native is based on JavaScript and Nanoflows. A possible solution could be some custom javascript action / widget combination, to load an excel in the client and transform / import it to mendix objects. 

In my opinion this is not a trivial task though.
