SMTP Template module setup

I'm looking te set up the SMTP Template module.  Best practice is to copy some of the contents of the app store module to a new module.  - Do i need to copy everything (including an export and import of the domain model or just some of the items?  - One of the dependencies is the Encryption module, what do i need to copy to a new module?    I watched the deep dive for this module, but the deep-dive is not as step-by-step as hoped.
1 answers

Hi Nick Van Drielen,

It is not compulsory to copy all the module files to your new module, if you want to change some logic in microflows then you can copy the microflow to your new module, it is applicable for both email and encryption modules. 

check the below link for a detailed explanation.

Hope it helps!


Vignesh Rajan. 
