Upgrade issue because of Appstore Module

Hi,I am facing an upgrade Issue with a brancline that it is created in the lower version with 7.23.22 and now it is upgraded to higher version of 8.18.11 and again it has to be updated to the modeler version 9.here,one app store module showing as ’Module cannot be downloaded,because it was created with version 7.18.1 of modeler.please open it in the below versions 8’,when I opened the app in 8 moduler and tried to upgrade the app it is showing the same message with app top be open in 7 version modulers, here i commited the changes in the 8 versioned moduler. thus,I couldn’t open the application in lower versions Is there any possible way to upgrade the single Appstore module? Thanks in advance!! 
1 answers

Could you please try this:

  1. Create a new project in Studio Pro 8.18.11
  2. Download the module
  3. Export the module from the project
  4. Create a new project in Studio Pro 9
  5. Import the module into the project