Deeplink not working for logged in user and anonymous not allowed
Hello, i have an app in Mendix 9.6.2 where i want to redirect to a invoice and order confirmation page. The deeplink is for anonymous not allowed so it only should work if the user as an active session. When an user now is redirected to the deeplink, he always gets the standard login page of the deeplink module. (resources/login.html). What i would expect is that it is checked if the user is already logged in, but it seems like that the deeplink module always logs out the user. Does someone of you already had the same problem or an idea how to solve it? All the beste Chris
Christian Sönnichsen
3 answers
As describes setting the com.mendix.core.SameSiteCookies to None in runtime settings for the environment can help passing cookies to the server correctly. It did work on our side.
Adam Gez
Does the user have access to the microflow used for the deeplink and/or the data used in the page?
Rene van Hofwegen
Are you sure that when creating the PendinLink object the SessioId is correctly filled for that user? I would set breakpoints on where the pending link is created and when the deeplink is triggered.