Is it possible to view a 3D STL File in Mendix?

Hi  In my app, I need to open a 3D STL file, so that the User can check the 3d model in the app. I found a wonderful Mendix 3D viewer sample app, but so fare I see it is not possible to open STL files in that. Is it possible to open / view stl files in Mendix? Thanks for any help on that.   best regards Robert 
4 answers

We were able to solve the topic ourselves by including a Java library. 


We want to put it in the marketplace so that you can download it. If you want more detailed information in this regard, I can contact my colleague who has solved the problem.






Hi All,

 I need to open a 3D STL file in Mendix 3D viewer.

Can we open STL file in Mendix 3D viewer? If yes..

Please provide solution for that.



Thanks in advance.


Hi Robert,

Can we open STL file in below 3d viewer?



Thanks for the reply.


Hi Robert, 

I am using 3D viewer free app to show JT files in viewer. In my app, there is some requirement to take snaphot of 3d images. So I am using ‘Take Snapshot’ widget for same. But for some JT files, I am not able to use ‘Take Snapshot’ or we can say button is not working for some JT files. Can you please let me know is there any constaint when we use JT files? like JT file verson and all.



Thanks and Regards,

Deepali Thepade.
