Not able to publish MindSphere Operations Insights Example App

I´m quite new to Mendix and thought that the Operations Insights App would be a nice start. I not able to publish the app and can’t get any kind of error message to work with. The error messages I get are these: I don´t get any other errors at the Errors tab in Mendix Studio Pro. Did anyone get a similar error or know where I can get mor input for my issue? Since I´m new please excuse if I missed something. The Docs page: 
2 answers

Have you changed anything?

Can you build locally (by just pressing the run button)?

Can you please provide the build logs



There is a breaking change within Mendix between Version 8 and 9. Longtime Mendix had provided some compatiblity modus, but it looks like that this service is over.

Because of the breaking change one parameter name in one of the JavaActions needs to be changed.

Please open the file <PROJECT_DIR>\javsource\mindspheresinglesignon\actions\

Search for a parameter called TenantParameter1

PLEASE CHANGE THE PARAMETER to Tenant and save your file:

Back in Mendix Studio Pro make sure to synchronize your filesystem.

Now you can restart your project and it should work.
