Getting Java Error when running or deploying Siemens MindSphere Operations Insights App

Hi there, I get a Java error when I try to run the Siemens MindSphere Operations Insights Example App This is the Error: Buildfile: D:\Siemens_MindSphere_Operations_Insight_Example_V1_0_0-main\deployment\build_core.xml   compile:     [javac] Compiling 38 source files to D:\Siemens_MindSphere_Operations_Insight_Example_V1_0_0-main\deployment\run\bin     [javac] D:\Siemens_MindSphere_Operations_Insight_Example_V1_0_0-main\javasource\mindspheresinglesignon\actions\ error: cannot find symbol     [javac]         TokenForScheduledEvents accessToken = Microflows.dS_GetAccessTokenForScheduledEvents(context(), TenantParameter1);     [javac]                                                                                                         ^     [javac]   symbol:   variable TenantParameter1     [javac]   location: class MindSphereScheduledAccessTokenConnector     [javac] Note: D:\Siemens_MindSphere_Operations_Insight_Example_V1_0_0-main\javasource\system\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.     [javac] 1 error   BUILD FAILED D:\Siemens_MindSphere_Operations_Insight_Example_V1_0_0-main\deployment\build_core.xml:29: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.   Total time: 1 second   The Compiler clearly doesn´t like the TenantParameter1 parameter. But I can´t find it in either Mendix Sudio or Studio Pro. I´m currently running the app in Mendix Studion Pro 9.9.2. Did anyone else get this error, or knows how to fix it?
2 answers

Seems to be an error in the actual java file of the Mindsphere package. You could check whether there are certain Mendix marketplace modules that have an update, or check the userlib folder for java files that are used by the mindsphere module that have multiple versions.

If you want to get more insight in the actual java error, you would have to run your project through Eclipse. Docs on how to do that can be found on: 


There is a breaking change within Mendix between Version 8 and 9. Longtime Mendix had provided some compatiblity modus, but it looks like that this service is over.

Because of the breaking change one parameter name in one of the JavaActions needs to be changed.

Please open the file <PROJECT_DIR>\javsource\mindspheresinglesignon\actions\

Search for a parameter called TenantParameter1

PLEASE CHANGE THE PARAMETER to Tenant and save your file:

Back in Mendix Studio Pro make sure to synchronize your filesystem.

Now you can restart your project and it should work.

