How to implement Global Search when using Data Widget

  Hi Everone i am using Datawidget Component. already implemented and displaying data in Data Widget and Individual filter option is there but client is asking for Global Search is there any way to implement global search because when i am trying to add textbox and try to implement search it is not working.
3 answers

Hi Arkyadeep,


Just try using the auto-complete widget. It would help your requirement.

Click here to check out this widget.


Hope it helps!





hi , I am looking for same Question Answer 


Hi , Considering you need a search for a set of data , but that needs to be searched from single search bar ,

Make a non persistent entity and *-* association with your respective data (entity)

call that non persistent entity and inside that call your data grid or data grid 2

make an attribute inside your non persistent entity (lets say a text with attribute string)

on that text bar , which will act as search , call a microflow and do as follows

-make a new list , of data to be filter

-Retrieve the data which you want to filter 

-create string variable (with attribute which is added)

filter your retrieve list with “ contains” with the string variable

-add that list to list which you created initially

-later pass that list in “change object” 


This should help 


Akash Singh

