Hi Arkyadeep,
Just try using the auto-complete widget. It would help your requirement.
Click here to check out this widget.
Hope it helps!
hi , I am looking for same Question Answer
Hi , Considering you need a search for a set of data , but that needs to be searched from single search bar ,
Make a non persistent entity and *-* association with your respective data (entity)
call that non persistent entity and inside that call your data grid or data grid 2
make an attribute inside your non persistent entity (lets say a text with attribute string)
on that text bar , which will act as search , call a microflow and do as follows
-make a new list , of data to be filter
-Retrieve the data which you want to filter
-create string variable (with attribute which is added)
filter your retrieve list with “ contains” with the string variable
-add that list to list which you created initially
-later pass that list in “change object”
This should help
Akash Singh