Hi Nisha,
Go through this link, It will help you certainly .
Hi Nisha,
Add EmailAdmistration_Overview page in the navigation menu and login through MxAdmin you can able to see the Email configuration page and start the configuration
Use the link for reference. https://medium.com/mendix/how-to-send-styled-html-emails-using-email-module-with-templates-and-mxmodel-reflection-mendix-3d80d18019b9
Hi Nisha
Can you explain in detail to provide a solution?
Have you added the Email module Administration snippet in the navigation?
Have you added the user role in project security?
Hi Nisha,
There is an seperate module called Encryption you need to download from the market place. After that there is an 1 constant will be there called Encryptionkey in that page you need to add the encryption key(32 characters).
There is a snippet or an page called something_Overview in the module. Read this page https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/modules/email-with-templates on how to start using this module.
I’m able to access it from where I can add encryption key ? Because when I’m trying to navigate on email config getting error to set encryption key.
One more issue I’m facing not able to pass argument for CreateAndSendEmail microflow. Screen shot are shared for reference.